3 tips on applying to USA High Schools
In this blog, I am going to share three tips you need to apply to study at a USA High School.
- English skills
Yes, if you are going to study in USA High School, you need to be good in English. You have to be able to read and write in English. It is very important for you to practice speaking English whenever possible. There are many schools in Cambodia that offer language based courses, meaning that the courses will be taught entirely in English. Attending one of those schools, would help you tremendously in improving your English in both reading and writing. For me, besides attending in of of those schools, I was able to learn English quickly by watching a lot of English based movies and listening to a lot of English based music. I also talk to most of my friends in English. I believe having friends that can speak English with you help greatly in both listening and speaking.
If you do not have great English skills yet, that is OK. Many US high schools offer English Language Learning courses you can take. You can find schools that offer beginner ESL. - Test scores
In order for anyone to apply to a USA High School, you need to have test scores. The two common test score requirements are TOEFL and IELTS. If offered, you can take courses from your school on either the TOEFL or IELTS. This way you can feel confident when taking one of those tests. This is what I did. The course on TOEFL was offered from my school. I was able to attend and got a fairly good scores on the test.
Depending on what the USA High School you are applying to, they may or may not require you take another test from schools and interview you. Kokomo High School required me to take their test along with an interview. You can practice interview questions with your teacher at school or check out one of the services that help students prepare for studying abroad. - Documents
Now that you have the ability and talent to study abroad, you need to provide all the necessary documents to prove so. So the earliest you can get your documents together the better. In order to study in the USA High School, you need to obtain the F-1 Visa. The documents will need to prove that you are eligible to study abroad and have a means to pay for your tuition.
Learn more about high schools in the USA and the programs offered by Educatius.
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